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  • lucia

Bravery Beyond the Playground: Lessons from a 7-Year-Old

My daughter Juliet, at the tender age of 7, taught me a powerful lesson in courage and resilience. It all unfolded one afternoon after a seemingly mundane request to clean up her room triggered an emotional outburst.

Curious about the depth of her distress, I pulled her close and gently inquired about her day. The floodgates opened, and Juliet poured out her heart, revealing the pain of exclusion by her friends, who had chosen to play with someone else and would not allow her to be part of their new group. As a mother, I felt her anguish resonate within me – a pain familiar to many, echoing through the corridors of childhood and, unfortunately, often persisting into adulthood.

The story was all too familiar: girls excluding girls, a narrative that sadly doesn't fade with age. I encouraged Juliet to explore new friendships beyond the twins, as their possessiveness seemed to stifle her social world. It's a valuable lesson we all need – the importance of not placing all our hopes and connections into one person or group. We need a multitude of connections, each fulfilling different aspects of our lives.

But the prospect of forging new connections can be intimidating, even for a brave 7-year-old. Juliet confided her fear of making new friends, a sentiment I, and perhaps many readers, have experienced. The fear of stepping into the unknown, of facing potential rejection, is a universal emotion that transcends age.

I reassured her, understanding the weight of that fear, and encouraged her to explore her classroom, seeking those who piqued her curiosity or radiated kindness. "It's scary, Mom," she confessed, a sentiment that echoed through my own experiences. Making new friends, exposing ourselves to vulnerability, is indeed a daunting prospect.

The next day, Juliet, with a newfound sense of courage, proudly announced her new friend, William. They played throughout recess, and she expressed joy in discovering someone new. Her proclamation, "I'm going to make bravery a habit," resonated with profound simplicity.

In this tender moment between mother and daughter, I recognized the universality of our fears and the transformative power of courage. Whether navigating the playground or the complexities of adult friendships, the essence remains the same – the bravery to step beyond our comfort zones, to embrace the unknown, and to cultivate connections that enrich our lives.

So, to anyone reading this, let Juliet's story be a gentle reminder that bravery is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. It's about taking those small, courageous steps to build connections that bring joy, even in the face of uncertainty.

As for Juliet, she continues to teach me that courage, kindness, and the willingness to explore new connections are invaluable habits that can shape a fulfilling and resilient life.

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